Sunday, April 03, 2011

Stepping Back to April 1962

April 1962.  Do your remember the year or even better the month and year.  I was a freshman in the 8th grade in Circleville, Ohio.  I don't recall my homeroom teacher but I do recall some of the teachers that inpired me during the year.  My favorite subject was History, (no surprise for anybody who knows me) with Mr. Dole at the reins.  I recall he was an expert on The Civil War and I also remember him drawing the campaigns of the Union and Conferedate forces on the blackboard explaining the battle in detail.  It's funny of all the things in one's memory bank you recall something like that.

My math teacher was Mrs. Davis and she really made it easy although math came pretty easy for me anyways.  When Mrs. Davis passed away a few years ago,her estate consisted of all the high school yearbooks from the time she had been teaching.  Mrs. Davis was wonderful teacher who loved her students.

The 8th grade was a time for me to notice the girls more.  They began wearing makeup, nylons and perfume.  Well maybe I just began noticing it all at that time of my life.

In April 1962 we were gearing up for baseball.  Our hero was Mickey Mantle who hit his  375th career homerun.. The New York Mets was the expansion team that year and of course lost their first game.  When the season ended they had won only 40 games. Being from Ohio,  my personal teams of choice were the Cincinnati Reds and Cleveland Indians.
The music of April 1962 looked like this.  The number one songs of the month consisted of Bruce Channel's Hey Baby, Shelley Fabares Johnny Angel and of course Elvis singing Good Luck Charm. The month of April 1962 had several cross over country hits as well including PT 109 by Jimmy Dean, Patsy Cline's hit She's Got You and several more.  It not only was a memoral month for music but a wonderful beginning as I edged closer to beginning a new adventure in high school.

I recommend you take the time and listen to Soundtrack of the Sixties on The 60s Official Site. as DJ Neal Stevens spins the songs from April 1962.


  1. Carl, you have been doing this since 2006, and I am very impressed with your memory. You have put together a great blog. I have looked at your official 60s site. Your commentary and photos, plus the overall quality of your blog make it one of the best I've seen on the 60s. I am posting daily entries from my diaries. I began posting them in January 2010, 50 years to the day after I wrote them

  2. Thank you so much Barbara.

  3. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Just found your '60's TV site...I want to let you know about a post you made about the series "Maverick.' I watched the series from the beginning...was 10 years old in 1957, when it began. I have to let you know that although James Garner started out the first few episodes of the series, my favorite "Maverick" brother came on the scene in the 8th episode, I believe...Jack Kelly was "Bart Maverick."
    So often, I see mention of only JG when "Maverick" is mentioned...but, in reality, Jack Kelly brought with him humor and to me the best representation of the "Maverick" brother... and he was in the series for all 5 years of it's run...JG left after a few years, due to a salary dispute.
    There are alot of JK fans today who are speaking up for Jack Kelly...who is the reason we watched "Maverick." Mr. Kelly is gone now, and it seems JG has now 'forgotten' him as well.
    Just had to mention this wonderful actor. Thanks!


  4. Thank you J.T. Everything you said is correct. James Garner had a contract and money dispute with Warner Brothers during the first season and Jack Kelly came on board as his brother Bart. Jack Kelly as Bart Maverick was my mother's favorite as well but I stayed partial to James Garner as Bret.

  5. Carl, another big event in 1962 was May 19 when Monroe sang Happy Birthday to JFK. I remember watching it on our tiny black and white TV :)
