JFK Assassination
In my 60s Official Site newsletter I asked my subscribers where they were on November 22, 1963, when they received the news of President John F. Kennedy's assassination . The response was enormous as I continue to receive emails telling me where and what they remembered. Each week since the first week of November I have published many of their memories. I even received one from a young man who was only one year old at the time so he asked his mother where was she when she received the news. Emails from the UK and Canada were received also as many people world wide remembered just exactly where they were. It is so amazing after 50 years how well we all remember the exact place when we received the tragic news.
I too recall it vividly where I was and how my classmates of Circleville High School received the news. I was in Mrs. Wachs English class during my sophomore year in high school. We actually were marched to the gymnasium for a basketball pep rally where we sat with our class. The pep rally was unexpectedly interrupted by our principal. He walked solemnly to the mike and announced the tragic news. We were immediately dismissed and school did not resume until after Thanksgiving.
During that weekend after JFK's death I recall the rock 'n roll station we listened ceased to play rock music. Classic music was substituted during that time in honor of our fallen president. I just as countless other remained glued to our black 'n white TV set and watched the tears fall down my mother's face as John Kennedy Jr. saluted the flag draped coffin as it passed.
It has been 50 years now and I will never forget that day.
Labels: Circleville High Shool, JFK assassination, John F. Kennedy, Nov 22 1963, The 60s Official Site
At 9:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was in 3rd grade. I actually only remember because I can date it. I don't remember being told. It never really affected me except cartoons were interrupted for all the coverage and the parade. My biggest recollection was my father coming home from work and said "Well, they got him".
At 1:54 AM,
ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said…
Seen your blog. I think it's fabulous and put a connection of your jukebox songs temporarily.
I write about Singapore's pops from the 60s.
Andy Young.
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