A Year Ago Today My Best After School Friend Died

Surfing through the web I discovered it has been a year ago today since by best after school friend of the 60s had died. Flippo the Clown was watched by children and adults alike from4:30 to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday on WBNS-TV in the Columbus, Ohio viewing area.
The Early Show as it was called wasn't your typical children only show but his humor and fun were enjoyed by adults as well. He incorporated magic, talk and of course showed a movie and cartoons, usually Popeye. The Little Rascal movies were also popular on his program.
At 4:30 the streets of Circleville, Ohio were deserted as we all were in our homes watching The Early Show. Back then I delivered the local newspaper right after school so I had to rush and get my route completed so I could find my place in front of our black and white TV and watch this central Ohio icon. Not only did my brother and sisters watch the show but my grandmother enjoyed him as well. His humor was clean but had an adult element to it that children picked up on. My mother would have fits because we would gobble our supper down to rush back in front of the TV. (We were not permitted to eat our meals in front of the TV as it is common today. Our meals were sit at the table with the entire family.)
Flippo's real name was Marvin Fishman, who's stage name was Bob Marvin. Marvin entered the Army right after graduating from high school. He served in Korea and came out of the Army as one of the youngest Tech Sergeants, age 20. When he returned home he attended Ohio State University where he studied music.
I remember him coming to our school in the 1960s where he gave one of his great performances and then stayed and made sure he autographed pictures for all that wanted one.
He always made himself available for worthy fund raisers for charity and special causes. Flippo was a gem and special friend to all of us during the 1960s and into the 1980s. For those of you who did not have the opportunity to meet him or watch him I really regret that. You missed the opportunity of meeting one of nicest gentlemen and entertainers.
My friend may be gone but his memory remains. He was a very big part of my childhood as I was growing up as he was to most of us in central Ohio during the 1960s. God! We sure could use some more Flippos in the world today. Rest well my friend. Thanks for the memories.
Labels: Carl Hoffman, Flippo the Clown, The Early Show, WBNS-TV